For a greater in-depth look into the many techniques you’ll encounter when learning songs by tab, be sure to check out Guitar Tab Tutor, my free app for iPhone and iPad. While the song does have a single note run, the main verse and chorus sections are two simple chords, A and E, in rotation over and over. This covers the basic concept for reading TAB notation. Listen to Christone Kingfish Ingram play I Put a Spell On You. The song incorporates such subtle techniques as string muting and 8th note strumming to create an otherworldly take on the blues. The key thing to remember is to think in terms of pitch! The bottom line in the tab represents the lowest sounding string on the guitar the thicker, low E string. Hawkins’ I Put a Spell On You works its witchy ways on blues fans and is an easy song for beginners to learn.

(See the video below for more TAB examples.)Ī common problem beginning players have when first learning to read guitar tab is the mixing up which E string to play when sounding notes appearing on the bottom tab line. A “0” indicates whenever you should pick an open, un-fretted string. For example, a tab number of “1” on the top string would be located in the space between the guitar nut and the first wire fret on the high E string. When attempting to locate the note on your guitar for a particular tab number, remember to count the spaces between the wire frets, rather than the actual frets themselves. Note: the guitars are tuned down in this song, so you may not sound exactly in tune with the song if you play along with it. Otherwise, play the notes one at a time as you move from left to right across the page. Tab numbers appearing stacked on top of one another indicate they should be played or strummed together as a chord. C7 chord ,how to arrange guitar chords, beginner guitar, stringed music, minor.

Numbers appearing on the lines indicate which fret(s) you need to press to sound a note for any given string. Find Guitar tabs stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free.

The bottom line of the tab staff represents the thicker low E string, while the top line is used to illustrate the thinner high E string. Guitar tablature depicts musical performance using a visual representation of the guitar’s neck, strings and fretboard.
Beginner's Guide on How to Read Guitar TAB (with Video)