
Pyritized ammonite
Pyritized ammonite

Megalodon Teeth Could Reach Sizes of 7 Inches This indicates that these areas may have been preferred nursery locations for the massive shark to birth its young. High concentrations of Megalodon teeth measuring a meager 1 ½” inches (as compared to adult teeth upwards of 7”) have been found in the Calvert Cliffs of Maryland and in the Bone Valley Region of Florida. We don’t typically think of these scary creatures as being parents to cute little megalodon toddlers, yet recent discoveries have revealed information about how, or rather where they preferred to birth and raise their spawn.

pyritized ammonite

Researchers have estimated that an adult shark may have needed around 1-ton of food daily in order to survive. As a predator at the top of the food chain, it likely fed on other large marine life such as whales, dolphins, sea cows, sea lions, and even other shark species. If the Lion is “king of the jungle”, the Megalodon was the king of the oceans. If you've ever wondered what the Megalodon Shark would eat, consider this. Megalodon Ate Whales and Other Large Fish Regardless, Megalodon tooth fossil finds have been discovered across the world including many areas along the coast of Southeast United States in areas like South Carolina, Florida and others. As the oceans of old began to dry up and the ice age took hold, it is presumed the sharks may have simply starved or frozen into extinction. The shark seemed to enjoy warm, shallow waters. Megalodons were widespread during their time, with fossils of this gigantic sea creature found on every continent except for Antarctica. Others contend that the sharks may have reached upwards of 80ft long (Encyclopedia Britannica). If we go off of teeth size, some scientists contend that the shark could have grown to as large as 60ft (National History Museum). That said, there is some debate amongst scientists as to just how large "big tooth" were.

pyritized ammonite

Length of Megalodons Were Between 47ft and 65ftīig. However, data shows that there is about a 1% chance that these sharks could still be alive (though most scientists balk at the possibility). In laymen terms, between 15.9 to 2.6 million years ago). However, fossils studied by at the University of Zurich in 2014 determined that the Megalodon fossils they examined dated back to between the Miocene Epoch to the Pliocene Epoch. Megalodon Went Extinct Millions of Years Agoĭue to an incomplete fossil record, the exact date of the Megalodon’s extinction is difficult to pinpoint. Whale bones have been found with megalodon shark teeth embedded in them. Providing nourishment for 48 tons of raw powered muscle is no slight task. While little is known for sure about these giant denizens of the deep, we do know that they hunted large animals like whales. The Otodus genus of Sharks are part of the Otondonidae family, and includes the also impressive Otodus obliquus.

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    Pyritized ammonite